-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----INSTALLATION NOTES FOR WINXP PC OF ALREADY COMPILED VERSION OF CONTENT----- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Install Borland compiler: 1.1 Download self-extracting archive FreeCommandLineTools.exe *could be found at "http://www.math.uu.nl/people/kuznet/CONTENT/" 1.2 Run (unpack) it to the standard directory ("c:\Borland\Bcc55\") 1.3 Add "c:\Borland\Bcc55\Bin" to the existing PATH (START -> Settings -> Control Panel -> System -> Advanced -> Environment Variables -> PATH -> edit -> variable value -> add c:\Borland\Bcc55\Bin to the end, whithout spaces!) 1.4 Check that there exits a bcc32.cfg file in this "Bin" directory, or create it, which will set the compiler options for the Include and Lib paths (-I and -L switches to compiler) by adding these lines: -I"c:\Borland\Bcc55\include" -L"c:\Borland\Bcc55\lib" 1.5 Check that there exits a ilink32.cfg file in this "Bin" directory, or create it, which will set the linker option for the Lib path by adding this line: -L"c:\Borland\Bcc55\lib" 1.6 Sometimes the extension gets changed to .cfg.txt. In that case change it to .cfg. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Full Installation of CONTENT (MUST BE DONE ONCE!) 2.1 Download content-1.5-ibmpc-mswin.bcc55.zip *could be found at "http://www.math.uu.nl/people/kuznet/CONTENT/" There is a different version for AMD64-processors, if this does not run on your machine you have to compile your own version, see the file HOW_TO_WIN. 2.2 Create a directory for CONTENT: "c:\content" IMPORTANT: Do not create a different directory, otherwise you have to figure out long filenames in the makefile yourself. 2.3a Extract CONTENT to the created directory. 2.3b Edit ncbimake.bat; change line 13 to set __PATH_BOR=c:\Borland\Bcc55\ run in a dos prompt in c:\content\vibrant\make ncbimake BOR W O copy in the build directory ncbimake BOR W O check the directories for content and vibrant in the makefile for winnt type make win (perhaps several times until you no longer get messages about compilation errors of helpcomp) 2.4 Go to this directory and run setup.exe 2.5 Set Installation switch to Full. 2.6 Check that CONTENT directory field is "c:\content". Setup will create content.ini file in this directory. 2.7 Check that the paths in the C compiler's fields are set to -I"c:\Borland\Bcc55\include" -L"c:\Borland\Bcc55\lib" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III. User Installation of CONTENT (if necessary) 3.0 Press the Setup button. 3.1 Create user directory for content, e.g. "c:\content\MyContent" 3.2 Copy setup.exe from CONTENT directory ("c:\content") to user directory ("c:\content\MyContent") 3.3 Set Installation switch to User. 3.4 Type in the full path to the content directory in CONTENT directory field ("c:\content"). 3.5 Press the Setup button. 3.6 Create icon/shortcut for CONTENT. Specify full path to the content.exe and make sure (left click on icon -> properties) that the user directory ("c:\content\MyContent") is the Working/Start in directory.